Thursday 5 November 2009

All Hallows

I've really slacked off this past seven days. I went down to London/Essex on Friday. A halloween and birthday extravaganza weekend.
For halloween we made some masks and then spent the early evening walking the streets surrounding St Pauls Cathedral, on our own home made ghost tour.
We never anticipated the sheer volume of people who were on paid/organised ghost tours though, and ended up running into many. We took our usual, cynical approach to it, and became quite sinister beings.
We also came across a rather frightening place, Amen Corner, which is walled in by an old prison wall. They used to walk prisoners along a pathway behind this wall towards their execution. Gruesome. There is a story that around two centuries or so ago, a fat old man was imprisoned for practicing witchcraft. The inmates killed him and, in an act of cannibalism, ate him. Each of the men who took part in killing or eating him were later served their comeuppance when a strange black dog-like creature began to haunt, kill or frighten them to death, until none of them were left.
As rumour goes, a strange shapeless black shadow is often seen gliding along the top of the wall, only to slink down the side and disappear.

Needless to say, when we got there, we were suitable frightened, and the ominous dark only served to make our imaginations run wild. Rustling in bushes and strange pulling on my coat surely saw to it that we got our halloween fright.

Well, now for some photos of this escapade.
Top to bottom: our masks, sitting in a graveyard, the moon above the church, me lurking in the dark courtyard, just a nice one of us.

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