Wednesday 6 January 2010

When I Close my Eyes....All I See is Snow

It has been a long day.
I forced myself up early to make the most of it being a lovely sunny snowy day. I then proceeded to brave the 'treacherous tundra' of my village in order to secure lunch and dinner. My brother and I built a snow-boy (he's not quite a man), which took up two whole hands still aren't properly warmed through.

Just around the corner from home...Compacted snow on the roads meant they were quite the hazard

I look like I'm doing some sort of irish jig, but I was actually very very cold! Since building this snow-boy, I've realised that his wonky face gives him a sinister appearance.

This is a fairly old photo; my Scandiavian pattern socks. I knitted them a few weeks ago, I had a commission for two more pairs, (just from friends though, nothing paid), though I've varied the pattern. I think I'll wait until they're finished to post photographs

We also recieved the sad news that my great-grandmother died this afternoon. I didn't really know her all that well, she has been in a nursing home for most of my teen-adult life. She was also quite unwell (both mentally and physically) at the weekend and was moved to hospital. For the past few days she had been refusing food and water. I think everyone was expecting her to pass away by the end of the week, to put it bluntly.

But unfortunately, that is what comes with age. Everyone has to die sometime, it's sad but a part of what it is to be alive.

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